What use is an F-call? On a regular basis I hear the phrase "When are you going to learn some more and upgrade your license?" I have no clear answer to that, other than to say that since I obtained my entrance into the hobby by spending a weekend learning and qualifying for my Foundation License, I have not stopped learning. I find myself surrounded by knowledgeable Amateurs on a weekly, if not daily basis who know their subject, are passionate about it and are happy to share it with anyone who is keen to learn. I've learnt about the practical implementation of antennas, am in the process of building my second antenna, have participated in several contests and to my surprise even won one. I am learning Morse, learning about propagation, have begun to learn to operate my own and other radios, have been exposed to social events, HAMfests, am part of the team that produce and present the weekly Amateur news, am an active club member and I still have time to host a weekly net for new and returning Amateurs. So, what exactly does it mean when I'm asked "When are you going to learn some more and upgrade your license?" If you don't yet have a license, I recommend that you find a local Foundation Course, spend a weekend and get your keys to an amazing hobby. If you already have a license and you think I need to learn more, I agree. I'm working on it. QRP DXCC is my next goal, what's yours? I'm Onno VK6FLAB